We each have the capacity to become skillful network weavers — individuals who guide the threads of connection that bring together people, places, and ideas for transformative action. Network weaving is an essential function in any growing social movement.
Centering the Margins: Diversity and Inclusion in Intentional Communities
“I came to Camphill thinking I was going to learn about social therapy for people with special needs, but then I learned it’s actually mainstream society that needs the social therapy,” a Camphill resident shared on stage.
A New Look for the Foundation for Intentional Community
In March 2019 I started work as the Communications Director at the Foundation for Intentional Community, an organization I’ve served on the Board of since 2014. I led the brand transformation for this 30+ year old organization.
Changing Organizational Culture: FIC at Twin Oaks
The Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC) hosted its twice annual Organizational (Org) Meeting at the end of October. For over thirty years, this gathering has taken place at different intentional communities throughout North America. The meeting marked a pivotal milestone in the evolution of FIC.
Collaborating for a Regenerative Future
How can we steward a more sustainable and regenerative future for North America? This was the central inquiry during a three day event called the Regenerative CoLab.
Leading Edges of Collaboration: GENNA Alliance
“We envision a world of interdependent cooperative communities stewarding the conditions of regeneration, justice, peace, and abundance, in order to realize the full potential of flourishing for all life, for all generations to come.”—GENNA Alliance
Find the Perfect Ecovillage for You
There are thousands upon thousands of communities around the world where people are working to regenerate our planet. You may discover there is an intentional community or permaculture project near where you are living right now. Here are some resources to help you navigate the possibilities.
Announcing Fall West Coast Tour!
I’m headed West this September & October for a journey from British Columbia down to Arizona. Along the way I will tour intentional communities, consult on regenerative projects, and speak at events. Stay tuned for stories from me!
Initiation, Community, and the Ancient Quest: Finding Yourself
Initiation processes are vital to the survival of a tribe, expanding one’s consciousness from the “I” to the “we,” a worldview shift into altruism – into community. Those who pass through the rites of passage discover their life’s purpose and role within the tribe.
Ecovillage Voice at the United Nations #HLPF
I joined the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) during the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development #HLPF. It was reaffirming to hear the world’s governments address our environmental and humanitarian crises. Everyone seems to be on the same page that the situation is dire.